Saturday, September 23, 2017




Hypothyroidism is a syndrome resulting from deficiency of thyroid harmone,causing many metabolic activities to slow down.

 Clinical Classification of hypothyroidism
(Depending on age group of manifestation)
I.                   Cretinism
II.                Juvenile hypothyroidism
III.             Adult hypothyroidism

It is hypothyroidism arising in the new born
Importance-affected children go for irreversible mental and growth retardation,
if not treated in time.
Diagnosis of cretinism
In early stages-recognition is difficult.
Pointers to diagnosis
Protuberant abdomen with umbilical hernia
hoarse cry,sluggish movements,
delayed mile stones mental and growth retardation
low body temperature, obstinate constipation
Start replacement therapy within 2 wks of birth

Juvenile hypothyroidism
Hypothroidism manifesting itself around 5-12 yrs
this is thought to be due to presence of ctopic thyroid whose scant production of thyroid harmone is sufficient to meet the needs of infancy and childhood.
But it is insufficient for demands of later childhood.
Closely simulates adult myxedema
Distinguishing feature
1.Retarded growth with dwarfism
2.characteristic body proportion
Upper segment exceeds lower segment
(Upper segment is crown to pubic symphysis
Lower segment is pubic symphysis to ground).
Bone age is impaired
Xray shows epiphysial dysgenesis
Stippling instead of single focus
Best seen in head of femur

Confirmation of diagnosis
Elevated TSH ,low T4,T3 Xray evidence of bone retardation.


Hypothyroidism manifesting itself in adults
Usual age incidence is 40yrs;
commoner in females
Hypothyroidism and myxedema are different nomenclature for the same condition.
In myxedema hydrophilic mucoprotein ground substance isdeposited  in dermis

Classification of hypothyroidism
Classification depending on involvement of pitutory or otherwise.
I.                   Primary
II.                Secondary hypothyroidism
Secondary hypothyroidism -result of pitutory deficiency/hypothalamic problem
Primary  is result  to intrinsic disorder of thyroid gland

Types of primary hypothyroidism
I.                   Spontaneous atrophy
II.                Goitrous
Drug induced
Iodine deficiency
Iii          Post ablative
iv.         Transient
v.           Sub clinical

Congenital hypothyroidism
·                     Result of thyroid dysgenesis orEctopic thyroid
·                     In born errors of thyroid harmone metabolism
a.       Inability to trap iodine
b.      Inability to organify iodine
c.       Inability to couple iodo thyroxin
In Hashimatosis thyroid is shrunken,fibrosed and atrophic
But in goitrogenoues –thyroid is enlarged 

Spontaneous atrophic hypothyroidism
·         It is primary hypothyroidism
·         Organ specific auto immune disorder like Hashimatosis,or graves disease
·         Throid is destroyed,atrophic and fibrosed
·         And associated with lymphoid infiltration
·         At risk of developing other organ specific  autoimmune condtions
·         Associated with diabetes,pernicious anemia,addisons disease.
·         TSH receptor bodies are present which block endogenous TSH

Goitrous Hypothroidism
Associated with goitrous swelling of thyroid gland
Transient type
Found during ist 6 mths after subtotal thyroidectomy
Or radioactive iodine treatment of graves disease

Subclinical hypothyroidism
Asymptomatic patient clinically euthyroid
But on Lab test thyroid harmones are at lower end of normal or TSH  raised

Hashimatos disease
Common cause of goiter
Histology: lymphocytic infiltration, fibrosis and follicular cell hyperplasia
Auto immune disorder

Pathophysiology of hypothyroidism
The effects of hypothyroidism are due to 2 things
1.Due to lower metabolic rate
2.Due to increased amount of muco poly saccharide(hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate)
  - ground substance which is deposited in dermis, tongue and vocal cords.

Effect on systems

1. Skin –coarse, thickened, dry,cold, pale, and in extreme cases icthyotic
2. Dryness is due to absence of sweating and sebum secretion
3. Wounds on skin heal slowly.
4. Hair on scalp becomes dry, brittle and falls off.
5. Hair loss on outer 2/3 of eye brow
6. Infiltration causes boggy swelling around the eyes
7.  And swelling on dorsum of the hand  ,feet and supraclavicular fossae
8. Skin also gets a yellowish tinge  due to carotene accumulation-reduced metabolism of carotene with reduced rate of conversion of carotene to vitamin
 Symptom of Cold intolerance
On account of reduces BMR mental retardation (Slow cerebration)
Lethargic symptom
There is also slowed speech
Muscle contraction and relaxation are slowed
Pseudo myotonic reflex occurs(relaxation phase of DTR prolonged)
Carpel tunnel syndrome.

Myocardial contractility is reduced
Heart sounds are muffled
Cardiomegaly-dilatation or pericardial effusion
Gastro intestinal system
High serum levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
The rate of degradation of lipids  is slower than synthesis
So –atherosclerosis accelerated.
Reproductive system
Menorrhagia –secondary to anovulatory cycles
.In some women with primary hypothyroidism, amenorrhea develops.
tiredness,lethargy,sleepiness,cold intolerance,hoarseness of voice, low pitched deepened  voice,slurred speech,constipation ,loss of apetite

Severity of hypothyroidism
Spectrum of severity occurs
Ranges from severe hypothyroidism with myxedema
to mere suclinical hypothyroidism
Severe cases may progress to Myxedema coma,
precipitating factors-intercurrent infection,cold exposure,trauma norctics

Head to foot examination in moderate to severe myxedema.
Dull expressionless face with-
Periorbital puffiness
Sparse hair,alopecia
Dry hair
Loss of hair in lateral 1/3rd of eyebrow
Coarse features
Thick lip
Large tongue
Pale  cool rough  skin
Non pitting edema of skin of hands,feet and eye lids.
Deep hoarse voice

Myxedema (severe hypothyroidism)

Progress to hypothermic stuperous state called Myxedema coma

Serum T3 concentration decreased
Serum T4 concentration decreased
Serum  TSH level raised
Serum TSH level low in pitutory or hypothalamic variety

(Normal level of Thyroid hormones 
Note:From lab to lab reference  range vary
T4- 4-12 µ.gms/100 ml
T3- 80 -200 nano gm/100ml
TSH- 0.5 -5µU/litre)
Levo thyroxin sodium 100 µgm per day
Initial daily dose25 µgm /day
At 2-3 wks interval increase by 25-50 µgm.-
Until TSH is within normal range
Usual range is 100-150 µgm /day

 In Secondary hypothyroidism:
First treat adrenal insuffiency ,only then thyroxine must be started

Myxedema coma-Emergency treatment
Rapidly give levothyroxin intravenously over 5 min-
 Add dexamethazone2mg IVorPO every 6 hrs
Then give levothyroxine 100 µgm/day PO or IV  until patient is stabilized.
Simultaneously treat hypovolemia and electrolyte abnormalities
Mechanical ventilation as needed.
Treat hypothermia;/infections
Avoid sedative,narcotics, anesthesia




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