Saturday, December 30, 2017



                                  ACUTE GLOMERULO NEPHRITIS

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Acute glomerulo nephritis is one important clinical manifestation of Glomerulonephritis.
Clinical features comprises of
Often associated with oedema,oliguria

Pathogenesis :
Immunologically mediated injury to glomeruli

I.                   Primary glomerular diseases
II.                Secondary causes

I.                   Post streptococcal  -Group a beta hemolytic streptococcus
II.                Non streptococcal
 infective endocarditis
Shunt nephritis
Salmonella infection
HepatitisB surface antigen
III.                Multisystem Disease

   Systemic sclerosis
Good paustures syndrome

Primary glomerulo nephritis
Mesangio proliferative
Mesangio capillary
IGA nephropathy
Gullain Barre syndrome

Post streptococcal glomerulo nephritis
Follows pharyngeal infection- 5-10 days later
Follows Skin infection-15 days later (latent period)

If it occurs soon after without latent period think of exacerbation of already existing IGA nephropathy,Burgers disease.

How do you diagnosePSGN:
By positive Pharyngeal/skin culture
Rising titre-Anti streptolysin O titre
Fall in levels of compliments-C3,C4,C1q
Renal biopsy

Past history to be elicited in AGN:
H/o sore throat,scabies,impetigo
Importance of strepto coccal sore throat/skin infection:
Skin infection causes onlyAGN
Throat infection causes AGN or rheumatic fever.

Clinical features of AGN:
Children are commonly affected
Acute onset
Puffiness of face, oliguria, smoky urine

Where does edema start ?why?
Edema starts in periorbital area because of low tissue pressure there.

What are important complications of hypertension?
1.hypertensive encephalopathy
2.acute pulmonary edema
Examie the fundus  to look for pappiledema-sign of hypertensive encephalopathy.

What are other complication?
Acute renal failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Chronic glomerulo nephritis.
Susceptibility to infection

Oliguria is urine volume less than 400 ml in 24 hrs
Anuria :no urine formation
Polyuria :urine more than 3 litres per day.(normal 1.5 liters per day)

What are 2 important feature of AGN?
2.RBC casts
RBC casts are diagnostic of AGN
Hypertension occurs in AGN but not in nephritic syndrome.

How do you investigate?
Urine microscopy: RBC casts
Throat swab and culture
Skin lesion culture
ASO titer
Urine protein (increase)
Urea, creatinine may be abnormal
Renal biopsy shows feature of Glomerulo nephritis.

How do you treat?
Salt restriction
Antibiotics-if there is evidence of underlying strepto infection
Normal protein excretion is less than 150 mg /24 hrs

What is IGA nephropathy?It is
Focal proliferative glomerulo nephritis
There is mesangeal proliferation ofIGA
SimulatesGN in henoch-schonllein purpura
Occurs in children and young males
2 commonManifestation1. gross hematuia or2. microscopic hematurea
Usually associated with upper respiratory infection or gastroenteritis
Abnormal proteinuria present(5% nephrotic)
Can also present with acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease.

Rapidly Progressive glomerulo nephritis(RPGN)
Proliferative Glomerulo nephritis with crescent formation
Crescent is aggregation ofmacrophages and epithelial cells in Bowmens capsule
Severe damage to glomerular tuft is present
Especially occurs in Goodpasture’s syndrome,Wegners granulomatosis.

What is Good pasture’s Sydrome?
This is a rare auto immune disorder.
Glomerulo nephritis associated with hemoptysis
Anti GBM antibodies are produced against glomerular basement membrane
GBM has antigenic similarity to lung alveolar membrane
Hence both GN  and lung hemorrhage occurs in this syndrome.





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