Sunday, December 10, 2017




(Blog by Dr.S.UMA DEVI)

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Synonyms Renal adenocarcinoma,Hyper nephroma
A relatively rare and serious disease
The cancerous process starts in certain areas of the kidney.
Early stage renal cancers grow and spread slowly -have a better prognosis, advanced/metastatic cancers rapidly progress and have a worse prognosis.

Facts and Figures about Renal Cell Carcinoma
•   Approximately 210,000 new cases were diagnosed worldwide.
•   ,20-30 percent of RCC patients present with advanced (metastatic) disease. at diagnosis
•   Five-year survival rates
If the tumor is confined to the kidney as high as 80-95 percent. If  with metastatic disease much lower- 20 percent.
•   Until 2005, only limited treatment options were available
•   Interleukin-2 or interferon alfa was widely used as first-line treatment of metastatic disease.
Overall survival rates in  these patients was approximately 12 months.

Risk Factors
smoking doubles the risk of developing RCC.
obese people have a higher risk of developing many types of cancer, including RCC.
In 20 percent of RCC- obesity is a factor.
Age group
Rare in young age.s
Men: women ratio3;1
Family history and genetics:
a strong family history has a higher chance of developing RCC.
Certain genetic conditions including von Hippel-Lindau disease, a rare inherited disorder in which there is abnormal growth of blood vessels in certain parts of the body, increase the risk of developing RCC.

Other risk factors Long term dialysis Tuberous sclerosis

Histological sub types of RCC
Clear cell renal carcinoma most common,less favorable prognosis
Papillary -15% Chromophobe4% Collecting duct carcinoma
And Medullary are aggressive and carry poor prognosis

Other types
Sarcomatoid(high grade end of all subtypes) Heriditory cancer syndrome
Mucinous,tubular and spindle cell carcinoma
Neuroblastoma associated RCC Unclassified
Different subtypes have distinct genetic abnormalities
Genetic testing helps accurate diagnosis and detects recurrence

Biology of Renal Cell Carcinoma
•   Two Proteins found at high levels in RCC
1. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
2. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
•   .Overproduction of these proteins is caused by a genetic mutation,
•   Most common of mutation is the inactivation of the von Hippel-Landau gene.
•   VEGF and PDGF are important to the growth and survival of tumors.

High VEGF levels lead to angiogenesis that feed the tumor.
High PDGF levels lead to the maturation and survival of newly formed and existing blood vessels and supporting tissue.and thus to tumor progression
.This knowledge is utilized for new therapeutic ventures

Clinical features
Symptoms of RCC
Hematuria may be painless/blood clots can cause uretric colic lump or a mass in the lumbar region with dull pain
Back pain /flank pain
Loss of appetite, Weight loss, anemia, Recurrent fever

Hypertension in advanced cases
May be asymptomatic at times.

1.Abdominal mass 25%
2.Varicocele on left side 2%
(Tumor invasion of left renal vein leads to blocking of left testicular vein) Rt gonodal vein drains directly into IVC
3.Hypertension(secretion of rennin by the tumor)
4.Hirsutism(in females)
5.Stauffers syndrome-Paraneoplastic non metastatic liver disease

Stages of renal cell carcinoma
Stage I Tumor confined to kidney;measures about7cm
StageII spread to fat tissue around kidney measures above 7cm
StageIII has 3 possible situations

Ultra sound KUSB area Intravenous pyelography Biopsy

Ultraound image of Renal cell carcinoma

Cure is related to degree of dissemination and stage of tumor
Early-stage tmt-survival .prolonged (even when regional lymphatics involved)

Rare Variations in course
1.Sometimes locally advanced /metastatic cases show indolent course lasting several years
2.Late recurrence many years after treatment posible
3.Well documented case of spontaneous regression exists but may not survive long

Mainstay of therapy
Surgical removal
In disseminated cases-local regional therapy is palliative
Systemic therapy-only limited effectiveness

Summary of treatment
Surgery -most common modality
o Partial nephrectomy is as beneficial as total nephrectomy
o Partial nephrectomy reduces chance of kidney failure

Radiation not very effective Chemotherapy not very effective Biological therapy Immunotherapy
Biological response modifier therapy
Biological therapy uses bodys immune system directly or indirectly Can be complementary to surgery,radiation and chemotherapy Hormone therapy

Treatment varies from patient to patient
Treatment approach takes 5 factors into cosideration
2.Tumorsize and location
3.Stage of cancer
4.General condition of the patient
5.Patients age Treatment option Surgery Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Hormone therapy
Arterial embolisation Target therapy Biological therapy

2 types
2.Metastatic removal

Types of Nephrectomy

1.Partial nephrectomy-only part of kidney of tumor

Patients with only one kidney
BilateralRCC Small tumor
2.Radical nephrectomy
Entire kidney,
adrenal gland,
tissues around the kidney
and regional lymph nodes-removed
3.Simple nephrectomy
Removal of just kidney ;no other additional tissues

Nephrectomy can be
I.         Open nephrectomy

II.       Laproscopic nephrectomy

Common side effects of nephrectomy
Wound infections
Damage to nearby organs-
(Spleen,pancreas, aorta,venacava,smalllarge bowel bowel) Kidney failure
Laproscopic nephrectomy I when tomr is small,confined

Embolisation of renal artery-
Using small pieces of gelatin sponge,orplasticmicrospheresor ethanolor chemotherapy- injected into renal artery
approach via femoral artery
this procedure shrinks the tumor before surgery used for cases unfit for surgery.
Side effects; back pain ,fever,nausea,vomitting

Single drug /combination of several drugs
Administered in cycles(treatment period followed by recovery period) Route of administration  Oral or/Im or IV
But chemotherapy is not very effective
Drus used-Vinblastin,Gemcitabin,5-flurouracil
Usually in the form of external beam therapy
1.Before surgery-to reduce size of tumor
2.After surgery-as adjuvant to destroyany remaining cancer cells
3. as palliative therapy
Radiation therapy is not very effective for RCC

HORMONE THERAPY used in advanced stages e.g.Medroxyprogesterone

Systemic therapy
Acts by improving bodys immune system Used in cases of metastatic cancer Interleukin2
Bevaci zumab
Side effects-Flu like symptom,kidney damage,breathing difficulty,intestinal bleed
Not very effective TARGETED THERAPY New approach
Targets only the tumor
Mechanism of action:
stop the new blood vessels from growing by blocking vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet derived growth factorVEGF /PDGF
And targets certain factors which cause the cancerous cells to grow
Only 2 drugs have been approved by FDA.
SORAFENIB orally effective/in advanced stagesss
Side effects; rashes,diahrroea,high BP,erythema/blistering of skin over palms and soles
SUNITINIB orally effective
S.E;Diahhroea,high BP,altered taste,bleeding,hypotyroidsm,skin colour change


.VEGF as a molecular targeting factor in the treatment of RCC

mTOR as a molecular target
mTOR stands for Mammalian Target of Rapamycin



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