Thursday, September 21, 2017

HYPER THYROIDISM- causes ,Clinical features,investigations and treatment


Hyper thyroidism is a condition resulting from excessive production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.
Thyrotoxicosis is acondtion due to excessive production of thyroid hormone from any cause .
Thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism  are terms often used interchangeably

systemic examination in Hyperthyroidism

Nervous system:
Nervousness,feeling of internal tension
brisk reflexes
emotional instability
 inability to get along with others
poor at school and work

Cardio vascular system
High blood pressure
Tacchy cardia,/
supraventricular tachycardia-on account of direct action upon the conduction system
atrial fibrillation can be superimposed on underlying heart disease
long standing hyperthyroidism can  cause cardiomegaly and cardiac failure
this is due to hyperdynamic state
flow murmur-systolic
Pleuro pericardial rub in Graves disease
Means-lermans scratch-mid systolic scratching sound-at upper part of sternum-at end expiration(rare)
dyspnea on effort
angina on effort


 can  precede,accompany or follow  Graves disease 
 i.e.ophthalmopathy runs  a course independent of Graves Disease.cause is auto immune mechanism
Sympathetic overtone causes retraction of upper eyelid and so wide palpebral  fissure

Von Grafes sign:
 infiltration of inflammatory cells occurs over external ocular muscles producing swelling of the muscles and fibrosis causing restriction of ocular motility and diplopia

Mobius sign:in ability to converge the eyes

Lid lag-Stellwags  sign-ask the patient to look up and then downwards-eye ball rotates down first upper lid lags behind.

Exophthalmoses/proptosis:Protrusion of eye ball from the orbit,exposing sclera  below  and above cornea Made out by asking the patient to look straight ahead and watching  from the side. Retrobulbar deposition of  immune complexes and inflammatory cells produces exophthalmos
Exposed cornea can go for keratitis 
Pressure on optic nerve or keratitis can cause blindness. Proptosis also causes  edema or chemosis of conjunctiva.
Rarely ophthalmopathy can can occur in Euthyroid patient(called Euthyroid Graves disease) or Hashimatos ophthalmopathy is one of the 3 components  of Graves disease.

 components of Graves Disease :
Pretibial myxedema

ophthalmopathy may not correlate with severity of  hyperthyroidism.

Gastro Intestinal system

Increased appetite but weight loss
Hyper defecation because of rapid motility 
diarrhea uncommon
In advance hyperthyroidism malnutrition can cause abnormal Liver function 
Reproductive System
In female infertility/oligomenorrheaIn 
males-reduced sperm count and impotence and Gynecomatia because of increased peripheral conversion of androgen to estrogen  inspite of  hige testosterone level
Thryoid hormone increase sex hormone binding globulinSo inceased level of total testosterone and estrogen level
But serum LH(leutinising hormone) and FSH may be normal or increased
Musculo skeletal system
Excessive muscle catabolism causes atrophy and weakness of muscles
sssProximal muscle weakness,Hypokalemic periodic paralysis may occur
Myesthenia gravis
bone resorption is more than bone formation causing-hyper calcemia and hyper calciuria
Longstanding cases-osteopenia

Metabolic system
weight loss common especially in elderly with anorexia
Teenagers and young adults can loose control over appetite and gain weight 
Increased heat production is dissipated by increased sweating and mild polydipsia 
aversion for heat and preference for cold temperature
Insulin requirement in DM increases.

 Skin is warm ,moist,velvety

palms are warm and sweating

Onycholysis of the nails -(retraction of nails from nail bed) occursa nd indicates long standing disease. 

Pretibial myxedema

Peu d' orange appearance of the skin over pretibial area(appearance of dimpled texture of an orange peel.

Other areas involved are -dorsum of the foot,great toe/deltoid region

lesions are erythematous or violacoius in colour

May follow hyperthyroidism after treatment

It is due to mucoid swelling of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

Thyroid gland

usually enlarged

can be diffuse enlargement or multi nodular or uninodular

Causes of hyperthyroidism

1.Auto antibody induced -Graves disease

2.Toxic nodular goitre

3.Neo natalAutonomous  tumor

4.Toxic adenoma

5.well differentiated thyroid carcinoma

6.Leakage of iodoprotein from damaged follicles

7.diffuse lymphocytic thyroiditis

8.Dequervains disease-subacute thyroiditis

9.Thyroiditis-Transient hyperthyroidism can occur in -

10.thyroiditis (by viral or bacterial infection or rarely in TB

11.Excessive TSH  secretion-
tumor of pitutory thyrotrophs,Hydatiform mole,Chorio carcinoma,Embriyonal carcinoma of testes


13.Over enthusiastic therapy

14. Iodide induced -certain  iodine containing medicines if used long periods can cause hyperthyroidism

15.Jod basedow syndromeIodide induced -

certain  iodine containing medicines if used long periods can cause hyperthyroidism

Radiographic contrast media

 Eyes- Exophthalmos
lidlag,-Stellwags sign
lid retraction,-Von graffes sign
failure of convergence mobius sign
thyroid enlargement with bruit
(diffuse,uninodular or multinodular)
early sytolis murmur in  pulmonary area
Means-lermans scratch-mid systolic scratching sound-at upper part of sternum-at end expiration(rare)
Pleuro pericardial rub

hyper defecation

 Genito urinary system
Impotence,infertility, oligo menrrhea

Lower limbs
proximal muscle weakness
periodic hypokalemic paralysis
Mysthenia gravis
Pretibial myxedema
(peu 'd orange raised plaque)
 fine tremors
clubbing-periosteal bone thickening of  distal phalanx
Palmar erythema
Digital pulsation
increase in sleeping pulse rate
atrial fibillation
High systolic BP
smooth velvety ,moist sweating, warm
onycholysis-retraction of nail from nail bed

An uncommon complication of  hyperthyroidism
Precipitated by conditions like infection,anesthesia
Suddenly symptoms worsen  causing
high temperature, confusion and can result in death.

assess levels of
·         TSH-In hyperthyroidism TSH levels fall
·         T3
·         T4
sometimes T4 may be normal T3 can be high
False high levels may occur in pregnancy or due to oral contraceptives
Low T4 levels occur  in-corticosteroid therapy,severe illness-in these,T4 binding proteins level go down.

·         Thyroid antibodies-to diagnose auto immune cause/graves disease

Normal level of Thyroid hormones 
Note:From lab to lab reference  range vary
T4- 4-12 µ.gms/100 ml
T3- 80 -200 nano gm/100ml
TSH- 0.5 -5µU/litre

1.Ultra sound of thyroid to  look for thyroid nodules
2.Thyroid scan using radioactive iodine-to ascertain size,shape and position of thyroid gland.
3.Radioactive iodine uptake test-to check thyroid function and cause of hyperthyroidism
4.Fine needle aspiration biopsy of nodule to check or rule out  malignancy.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

1.Medical treatment
2.Radioactive Iodine
3.Thyroid surgery
No single treatment works for every one.
 Factors influencing treatment:
2.possible allergies
3.Side effects of medicines
4.conditions like pregnancy,heart disease

Medical therapy
1.Beta blockers:
Usefull for symptomatic treatment: tremors,tachycardia,nervousness until other treatments take effect

2.Antithyroid medicines
Methimazole can harm the fetus
In pregnancy first 3 months- useful drug is propyl thiouracil
Antithyroid medicines do not provide permanent cure:take weeks or months to take effect-
They are not useful in thyroditis
 Side effects of antithyroid medicines
Allergy,-skin rash,itching
neutropenia manifest with sorethraot,fever
liver failure(rare)-causes jaundice
Methimazole is contra indicated in agranulocytosis,allergy and liver diseases.

3.Radiactive iodine therapy
Common and effective mode of treatment
Radioactive iodine 131 orally as capsule or liquid-
Destroys the hyperactive  cells of thyroid gland
But do not affect other body tissues
Undesirable later  sequlae –hypothyroidism
Contraindicated in pregnancy and during breast feeding

Thyroid surgery
Least used mode of therapy
Removal of part of or most of thyroid .
Indications :
1.Large goiters
Pregnant women where radioactive  and antithyroid medicines are contra indicated
Preparatory to surgery antithyroid medicines are given to bring thyroid level to normalcy-this to prevent 
possible thyroid strom which can be precipitated by general anesthesia.
Post surgically hypothyroidism may develop-to be treated with thyroid hormone.

Diet prescription in hyper thyroidism
Avoid  food containing large amount of iodine likeseaweed
Avoid iodine suppliments
Avoid also cough syrups and multi vitamins containing iodine.




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