Sunday, July 2, 2017

Hepatomegaly-clinical aspects

                                             Hepatomegaly-clinical aspects

Hepato megaly is enlargement of liver.
A diseased liver may be of normal size or shrunken also.
A palpable liver
may not be due to hepatomegaly.
Non enlarged palpable liver occurs in
· Emphysema,
· Sub phrenic abscess
· Visceroptosis
· Normal in children
· Aberrant lobe of liver-Riedels lobe

I.Generalized Enlargement
II.  Localised enlargement


     1.Amoebic abscess
      2.Hydatid cyst
      3.Polycystic liver
      5.Primary/secondary malignancy liver
     6. hepatic adenoma
     7. Riedels Lobe liver

Common causes of Hepatomegaly

  • CCF
  • Secondary deposits in liver
  • Infective causes
  • Alcoholic liver
  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
Points of importance in clinical examination in Hepatomegaly

Summary information elicitable from history:
•   .Are there risk factors for liver disease?
•   Symptoms associated with liver disease

Note: liver does not contain nerves.
If massive, causes abdominal discomfort and feeling of fullness
Pain of enlarged liver is due to stretching of the capsule

Present history:
Viral hepatitis,typhoid,malaria,kala azar,TB Dysentery,
Gall stones CCF Alcoholism DM Malignancy
Abdominal symptoms-
Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hemetemesis, melena, jaundice, pruriti
Past history: Jaundice,tattoing,transfusion,diet,drugs,alcoholism,hemetemesis,melena 
Contact history:
Personal History:Alcoholism
Family history:
Wilsons disease, hemochromotosis, 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Jaundice+fever: Infective hepatitis Leptospirosis Cholecystitis


Physical examination
•   Localised swelling-Abscess,tumor
•   Pulsatile Liver in
Tricuspid incompetence(systolic) Tricuspid stenosis(diastolic)
•   Tenderness-Infective,congestive/malignant liver,hepatic amoebiasis,hepatic abscess
•   Consistency
Soft-CCF,acute viral hepatitis,acute malaria,typhoid,fatty liver
Firm liver-Cirrhosis,chronic malaria,K.azar,lymphoma
Rock hard- malignant
Nodular-finely granular-cirrhosis;coarsely nodular-malignancy, Hydatid cyst
•   Edge- Rounded in hepatitis,CCF,

Sharp- malignancy
•   Palpable gall bladder-pancreatic Cancer
•   Upward enlargement-Amoebic abscess
•   Down ward enlargement- other hepatomegalies
Liver span
It is vertical distance between uppermost and lower most points of liver dullness-in Rt mid
clavicular line-Normal-12-15 cm
Diminished liver dullness Terminal stage of portal cirrhosis Acute fulminant hepatiti
Percussion of upper border
In Rt.pneumothorax and emphysema upper border cannot be percussed.
Apparent diminution of liver dullness:
In perforation and in excessive gaseous distension

` Auscultation

uit over the liver- malignancy,hemangioma of liver
Venous hum-between xiphoid and umbilicus- in portal hypertension with collaterals
Hepatic rub- In tumor, After biopsy, perihepatitis

Other associated physical exam findings to look for: Jaundice,vascular spiders,palmar erythema,gynecomatia,testicular atrophy,Ascites,splenomegaly,peripheral edema
Their presence supports further diagnostic testing

Other masses which can simulate liver enlargement
Ca.Stomach,malignancy of right kidney,Ca.gall bladder,Ca.colon, omental mass

Degree of enlargement of liver
Mild:  1-2 fingers breadth below the costal margin
Moderate: 2-5 fingers breadth below the costal margin
Massive: more than 5 fingers breadth below the costal margin.

Causes of massive hepatomegaly; Malignancy;primary/secondary Congestive cardiac failure
Fatty infiltration Amyloid Hodgkins
Poly cystic liver

Rapid decrease in liver Size Improvement in CCF Mobilisation of fat from liver Massive hepatic necrosis

Atrophy of liver
Occurs in
Severe acute liver damage Cause-fulminant viral hepatitis Hepatic toxins
(Atrophy of liver is detected by percussion of lower border. Area of percussion extends above costal margin)

Rapid enlargement of liver
Malignancy of liver
Amoebic abscess

Enlargement of left lobe of liver
Amoebic abscess
Hepatoma Secondaries Gumma of the liver

Causes of Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly
Same causes of splenomegaly

Hepatomegaly with generalized lymph adenopathy
Miliary tuberculosis
Inectious mononucleosis

Hepatomegaly with pigmentation
Haemochromotosis(bronze liver)

Hepatomegaly with jaundice:
Acute viral hepatitis
Hemolytic jaundice Carcinoma of liver Cirrhosis of liver Cholangio hepatitis Leptospirosis
Lymphoma with lymphnodes at porta hepatis
Jaundice is rare in hepatoma

Drugs and liver
Erythromycin,oral contraceptives,anabolic steroids,anti thyroid, largactil,chemotherapeutics.
Hepato cellular damage:
Methyl dopa,eptoin,INH,Rifa,Halothane
Fatty liver: Tetracycline,valproic acid Granuloma
Phenyl butazone,Sulpha,allopurinol

Toxic agents
Metal- yellow phosphorous
Mush room
Hydrocarbon-carbon tetrachloride


Initial lab tests: Complete blood count Urea,creatinine,electrolytes,glucose
Liver function tests and liver enzyme tests
If liver enzymes elevated,hepatitis serology panel included

Diagnostic testing :
1.Ultrasoud abdomen especially Rt. upper quadrant
2.xray chest
3.Kidney ,urinary tract  bladder functions
4. CT SCAN: If USG non diagnostic,or if malignancy suspected




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