Tuesday, August 8, 2017



                                                  INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES
                                                                                                                                    ( By Dr.S.Uma Devi.M.D.)

Basic concepts and importance of IBD
·         IBD is  idiopathic,chronic ,relapsing Inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology involving GI tract
·         Often it is a dignostic challenge
·          Etiology and pathogenesis is not known
·         There are no specific clinical or lab features to establish the diagnosis
·         Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis and Crohns relies heavily on pathological interpretation of biopsy material
·         But  histologically Crohns and ulcerative colitis have varieties of  characteristic  but nonspecific pathological features-this poses diagnostic problems
·         So histological material should be evaluated in conjunction with ,clinical lab,radiological and scopy findings
·         Clinically also exceptions occur to the classical  picture which leads to diagnostic confusion
(e.g.Left sided Ulcerative colitis,Upper GI involvement of UC rectal sparing in UC)
-these  exceptions should not be misinterpreted as evidence against diagnosis)
·         In 5% a definite diagnosis cannot be established(with overlapping features)
Most of these Indeterminate type go for fulminant colitis
·         Crohns disease and UC have increase risk for dysplasia and carcinoma.

Types of inflammatory Bowel Disease
 Major 2 types of IBD are
·         I.Chrons disease(CD)
·         II..Ulcerative colitis(UC)
         Ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon
         Chrons disease can involve any segment of the GI tract from mouth to anus.
·          IIIrd type .Intermediate type
A type of IBD in which distinguishing between UC and CD is impossible
Accounts for 10–15% of patients with colitis


As the ulcer heals, fibrosis leads to adhesions ,obstruction and abcess formation
Obstructive lymphatic edema is  atypical picture.
Lymph adenopathy is common
Types of pathology and associated clinical picture.:
Stricturing disease/penetrating disease/inflammatory disease.
Patterns of Involvement
3 major patterns
1.disease of ileum and ceacum
2.Disease confined to small intestine
3.Disease confined to colon
Clinical picture of Crohns disease
Onset may be with one of the following presentation
1.Right iliac fossa pain resembling appendicitis

Etiology:  of IBD
Not known
 What is known is IBD  it is immunologically mediated
Multiple etiologies proposed
1.      Immune response and Inflammatory mediators  play a role
Cytokines  from macrophages bind to various receptors         
Cytokines produce autocrine,paracrine and endocrine effects
They differentiate lymphocytes into different kinds of T cells
The immune response leads to chronic inflammatory process and disrupts intestinal mucosa
Other inflammatory mediators involved- Tnf-alpha

2.Genetic predisposition is found

3.Triggering event not known,
Certain microorganism (as yet unidentified)
 or some antigen and auto immune process
Normally in intestinal mucosa,inflammatory cells are present to protect from harmful
  luminal agents
Assumption- is in IBD inappropriate activation of mucosal immune system occurs
Immune response becoming excessive lead to profound tissue damage.
There is failure of body to turn off the normal immune response
IBD is treated as if it is auto immune disease but there is no consenses of opinion

 Research on genetics
Possibly linked to genes on chromosomes16, 5 and 6.
Triggering genes-Card15,  NOD2 /Card15
These genes may be just permissive  (allowIBD to occur)not causative .
First degree relatives have increased risk

Other factors implicated in IBD
·          As mentioned already -activation of immune system with inflammation of acute and chronic nature.
What activates this  still not known.
·         Environmental factors implicated(food, enteric microbes)
·         Smoking linked to Crohns ,not to UC
·         Appedicectomy in early age-protective for crohns disease
·         Psychological factors

Epidemiology; Rare in India
Peek incidence is between age 15 and 35;but onset may occur in any age
Children may be affcted
Male to female ratio equal in both Crohns and UC
Common in jewish population
Frequent cause of death in IBD –
1.primary disease
Thromboembolic manifestations

Crohn’s disease
Synonyms for Chron’s disease
Regional enteritis,Terminal ileitis,granulomatous ileocolitis

Recurring episodes of  inflammation of any part of the bowel from mouth to anus
Commonly found in ileum

Transmural inflammation
All coats of ileum involved
Muscular coat also involved
Result- linear ulceration,stricture, microperforation,fistulae
Skip lesions  characteristic  throughout bowel
(Affected area discontinuous-interspersed with normal area)
Ileum involved           

Transmural inflammation

Fig 3.Crohn disease of the colon; a deep fissure extending into the muscle wall, a second, shallow ulcer (on the upper right), and relative preservation of the intervening mucosa. Abundant lymphocyte aggregates are present, evident as dense blue patches of cells at the interface between mucosa and submucosa

 As ulcer the heals Fibrosis leads to adhesions and obstruction,abscess formation
Obstructive lymphatic edema is a typical feature
Lymphadenopathy is common
Types of pathology and associated clinical pattern
Stricturing disease,penetrating disease or inflammatory disease
Pattern of Involvement
3 major patterns
1. Disease of ileum and cecum
2. Disease confined to small intestine
3. Disease confined to colon
Clinical picture of Crohns disease
Onset may be with one of following presentation
1.      Right iliac fossa pain resembling appendicitis
2.      Recurrent episodes of sub acute  small bowel obstruction
3.      Diarrhoea
4.      Fistula either internal to intestine or external to abdominal wall.
1 General
Loss of weight,fever,anemia,anorexia
2. Pain; Severe continuous or colicky pain in the right iliac fossa or the lower abdomen
3. Diarrhoea: common, steatorrhoea may be present
1. internal between loops of intestine(therby aggrevating or precipitating diarrhea)
.or between bowel and bladder(with frequency of micturition,dysurea,pneumaturia)
2.External-usually follows surgical intervention.
 Fever,anemia,raised ESR
 Late stages-
cachexia,can be also iotrogenic  from  extensive resection or bypass procedures.

Abdominal signs
Palpable inflammatory mass often in rt iliac fossa
Signs of obstruction like abdominal distension,visible peristalsis,/ visible distended loops of small intestine
Periods of active disease alternate with periods of remission     
Anemia(from bleeding ulcers)
Compare Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Fig4.Comparison of the distribution patterns of Crohn disease and
ulcerative colitis, as well as the different conformations of the ulcers
 and wall thickenings
2Upper GI and small bowel series
Shows nodularity,rigidity
Ulcers –deep  and longtitudinal
Cobble stoning ,skip areas
Small intestinal.distended loops,
.String sign- along narrow length of the bowel lumen is narrowed-usually in terminal ileum
(Refer fig 4).

           ULCERATIVE COLITIS                   

Similarities between Crohns disease and Ulcerative colitis
Certain aspects of treatment are common
Certain extra intestinal manifestations are common
Waxing and waning clinical course in both.(flare and remissions)

Note: Sometimes degree of inflammation need not correlate with severity of symptoms
So before medication, ascertain degree of disease activity objectively

Early stage-congestion and edema of mucosa
1.Inflammatory cell infiltrates with classical crypt abscesses
2. Next –Ulceration irregular
Edges of ulcer s infiltrated,not undermined
The intervening mucosa is inflamed(NO Skip lesions)
3.Eventually diffuse fibrosis of submucosa occurs
This converts the colon intonarrow fibrous tube.
4.Rectum is almost always involved.

Clinical features
Varies in
And site of involvement
Classical type
Rectal bleeding
Abdominal pain fever, anorexia , and weight loss.

Site of involvement
1. Starts in
Recto sigmoid region and
 extends to other parts of the large intestine.
2. Localised  
At times it may remain localized to rectum or recto sigmoid
3.Other parts of colon
May start in other parts of colon and spread or remain localized
4 In some –retrograde ileal involvement occurs (Backlash ileitis)

Duration of attack
4-18 wks
Usually –remissions and exacerbations
Remission –lasts from 1-5 yrs
 Conditions precipitating remissions
Emotional tension,URI or other infections,surgery,antibiotics,cathartics
And dietary indiscretion

Clinical  varieties

1.Recurrent type
2.Continuous type
3.Single attack
4. Acute fulminant type

Severe anemia
Perianal abscess
Perforation of colon
Toxic megacolon
Stricture formsation
·         Cancer risk
Related to extent of lesion and duration of colitis preceding
Dysplasia detected by surveillance colonoscopic biopsies

Complications due to chronic diarrhoea
Anemia –due to loss of blood and mucus
Wight loss
Gross vitamin deficiency
Hypokalemia –loss of K in stools

 Plus Extra intestinal manifestation mentioned below

Toxic megacolon. Complete cessation of colon neuromuscular activity has led to massive dilatation of the colon and black-green discoloration signifying gangrene and impending rupture

 Common differential diagnosis
Acute/chronic amebiasis,acute bacillary dysentry

·         Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy
  Shows –mucosal erythema,granularity,friability,exudates,hemorrhage,ulcers
Pseudo polyps (regenerating mucosa)
·         Barium enema
Shows-loss of haustrations,mucosal irregularity,ulcerations
Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerated hemorrhagic
 surface with knobby pseudopolyps

  • Xray
·         Ultra sound
·         MRI scan
Other differential diagnosis for ulcerative colitis
1.Infectious enterocolitis-Typhoid,tuberculosis,amoebic and others
2.Others. Ischemic bowel disease,diverticulitis,radiation enterocolitis,
3Bleeding colonic lesions(e.g.Neoplasms) irritable bowel syndrome(no bleeding)

Fig6.Ulcerative colitis. Low-power micrograph showing marked chronic inflammation of the mucosa with atrophy of colonic glands, moderate submucosal fibrosis, and a normal muscle wall

Fig7.Ulcerative colitis. Microscopic view of the mucosa, showing diffuse active inflammation with crypt abscess and glandular architectural distortion

Extra intestinal manifestations of  IBD (UC and CD)               
1.Joint: Peripheral arthritis-parallels activity of bowel disease,ankylosing spondylitis,and sacroilitis(activity independent of bowel disease)
2.Skin-Erythema nodosum,aphthous ulcers,pyodermagangrenosum,cutaneous crohns disease
3.Eye: Episcleritis,iritis,uveitis
4.Liver: Fatty liver,pericholangitis(intra hepatic sclerosing cholangitis,)cholangio carcinoma,chronic hepatitis
5.Others:Auto immune hemolytic anemia,phlebitis,pulmonary embolus

Investigations of ulcerative colitis-Details

In acute stage
Mucosa – diffusely hyperemic.odematous,friable,superficially ulcerated
                Blood stained purulent discharge  on the surface
Sub acute stage-
Mucosa-granular.easily bleeds.edema masks normal vascular pattern
Healed stage or during remission
Mucosa may be normal (no granular appearance,no bleeding)
Close sigmoidoscopic DD
Acute bacillary dysentery differentiate by Swab or culture exam

2.Barium picture
1.May be normal but it does not rule out UC
2.Acute stage:
Loss of normal haustral pattern, ragged appearance decreased distesibility of colon and rectum
Chronic healed stage
Loss of normal haustral markings,smooth outline of bowel,decrease in lumen size nd length of bowel.Pseudo polypoid change in mucosa
Occasionally this picture may occur in normal descending and sigmoid colon.

Carcinomatous changes of rectum or sigmoid have to be looked into carefully with biopsy

 Common reasons for making a diagnosis of indeterminate colitis

Summary of the causes of unusual patterns of disease in Ulcerative colitis
1..treatment effect
                       2.low grade disease in remission
                 3.Appendiaceal involvement
                                                               4.Cecum /ascending colon inflammation inleft sided colitis
                            5.pediaric UC in (initial presentation
6.Back wash ileitis
          7.Rare UGI involvement
8.Fulminant colitis

                  There is no specific or curative treatment;Medical treatment is symptomatic.

1.Rest in acute stages,hospitalization as  required   
2. Diet
Avoid high fiber diet in presence of diarrhea/dysentery
Avoid milk if sensitive to milk.
Nutritious diet prescribed
Supplement fat soluble vitamins,medium chain triglycerides,
Parenteral viatminB12.minerals
Eating smaller ,ore frequent meals
Very severe cases-nil oral,parenteral nutrion or defined enteral formulae
 This is effective inCD,but relapse  occurs fast when oral feeding is resumed
Advised in pre op preparation of malnourished patient
Drug should not replace drug therapy

Life style changes
Quitting smoking
Stress reduction
Taking adequate rest
Supportive therapy                                                          
 Antidiarrheal agent in mild cases(loperamide)
Pain reliever-acetaminophen
Severe-IV hydration;Blood transfusion


Elimination of secondary infection
Antibiotic and chemotherapeutics
Try to avoid broad spectrum antibiotic –may induce diarrhea
For abscesses and skin infections
Metronidazole toxicity-peripheral neuropathy, ?carcinogenecity ,thrombophlebitis
Metronidazole  -effective in colonic CD requires 4-8 mths trial period
                         Dose 200mg qid
Antibiotics indicated also in toxic megacolon and severeUC

Sulpha salazine
Oral /rectal preparation
·         Sulfa salazine
Active component is 5Aminosalycilic acid(5-ASA)
Useful in  mild or moderate colonic disease  1gm oral qid                    
Useful for maintaining remission(only inUC)
May reduce risk of colorectal cancer
Side effects-hypersensitivity,pancreatitis,nausea,headache,
Caution in –pregnancy,breast feeding,renal impairement
(Toxicity  is due to sulfa pyridine component)

Alternative drug
·         Mesalazine  5ASA linked to other carriers
In slow release form or as enema

Gluco corticoids
Help in producing remission
Useful in severe case
Ileal or ileocecal CD
Prednisolone 40-60 mg od  and then taper
IV hydrocortisone 100 mg tid in hospitalized patient
IV ACTH  drip 120 U per day preferred in 1st attack of UC
For  proctosigmoiditis nightly hydrocortisone retension enema.
 Toxicity –immunosuppression,pancreatitis ? carcinogenicity

Immuno suppressive agents       
Interefere with inflammatory pathway
Steriod sparing drugs or steroids not effective
Azathioprine 50-100 mg per day
Methotrxate if above 2 not effetive
Cyclosporin in active and chronic  disease
Must do periodic blood count and platelete count

Biological therapy
 It is Anti tnf-a monoclonal antibody
Infliximab prevents cytokines from binding to its receptors
Indication:severe activeCD intolerant to steroids or imuno suppresents
 Side effects-infusion rx,sepsis,activation of TB

Surgical therapy

 In crohns disease
Resection for
 fixed obstruction or stricturoplasty
persistant symptomatic fistula

In Ulcerative colitis
Colectomy (curative for intractability)
Toxic mega colon if no improvement withwith aggressive medical therapyin 24-48 hrs
Severe dysplasia
Ileal pouch anal anastamosis(IPAA)




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